
Jeremy B. Blevins is an information security professional and novice historian, heraldist, and genealogist, with keen interest in the mechanics of balancing expanding technical capabilities with maintenance of cultural heritage.

Mr. Blevins' career in technology began in the mid-Nineties with his service in the Alabama Army National Guard as a Radio/COMSEC Repairer, which laid the groundwork to take on roles ranging from depot-level cell phone repair at LG Electronics, to IT Management at Quantum3D, to being the Information Systems Security Manager for QinetiQ North America. Mr. Blevins also serves on the municipal airport board of the City of Hartselle, Alabama.

Mr. Blevins holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Faulkner University, and a Graduate Certificate in Project Management and a Master of Science in Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Mr. Blevins has received several honors and awards over the course of his career. His military achievements include the Army Achievement Medal, the Reserve Component Achievement Medal with one Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster, the National Defense Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Faithful Service Medal of Alabama, and the Active Duty Basic Training Ribbon of Alabama. He was the HHC 142d Signal Brigade Soldier of the Year in 1996. Mr. Blevins recognized as Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges in 2012. He is an Honorary Colonel in the Alabama State Militia and a Kentucky Colonel.

Mr. Blevins is involved in several organizations covering his professional and personal interests. He is a member of the National Classification Management Society and serves on its national and local Information Systems Security Committees. He is a member of the Information Systems Security Association, the Events Committee of Cyber Huntsville, and served on the planning committee as co-logistics lead for the North Alabama Cyber Security Summit, co-sponsored by these two organizations. Mr. Blevins is a member of the Association of the United States Army. Mr. Blevins is active in The American Legion Post 229. He currently holds the office of post Historian and member on the National Security Commission, and has held the offices of Post Commander (2012-2013) and Vice-Chairman on the National Foreign Relations Council (2012-2013). He also is an alumnus of the National American Legion College class of 2012. Mr. Blevins is a member of the Clan Douglas Society of North America and the International Association of Amateur Heralds.

Mr. Blevins practices a primitive form of sola scriptura Christianity devoid of any doctrine or creed outside the Bible. He applies these principles to be a disciple of Christ, good husband and father, loyal worker, and trustworthy friend. To that end, Mr. Blevins would share with you the meaning of life: "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, ESV)

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