19 September 2013


A couple months ago I gave in to Facebook's request to list my hometown, so I entered "Nunya" (as in: Nunya Bidness), to which FaceBook returned a location called Nunya, Lima, Peru. I gave it no thought until quizzed by a relative as to why I had listed my hometown as Nunya Peru. Given that I was sitting in a backyard in North Alabama (not to be confused with the rest of Alabama), I obviously do not live in Peru. Since I've adopted this particular locale to by my quasi cyber hometown, I'd like to take a few moments to profile it.

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A quick Internet search for Nunya, Peru returns a few hits, including a FaceBook page and a Travelling Luck page which provided the grid coordinates that I used to pull the Google Map provided above. If you zoom all the way in, you can see a few small settlements just to the north of Laguna Nunya, the lake seen at the bottom of the map.

So, for my cyber persona, I guess that is home. I keep threatening my wife that I want to quit the tech industry and be a goat herder, so this works out well. It looks to be a nice, quiet neighborhood, given the lack of infrastructure and dearth of population. I would guess the fishing is pretty good in the lake, though. From what I can gather, the native language of the area is Jaqaru, so the goats would have just as good of a chance of understanding the neighbors as I would.

Nineteen miles NorthEast, as the crow flies, is Yauyos, a quaint-looking little village with a town square and a futbol field. Not sure what business opportunities there are in town, but I would guess that a little shop in town selling goat milk, goat cheese, and (gasp¡) goat meats wouldn't make for that bad of a life.
© Omas Villa

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