25 January 2013

The role of true nobility in the 21st century

I ran across an interesting article on the role of true nobility in the 21st century written by Conde Andre Galli, that I'd like to comment on. The article opened with the questions: "What does the Nobility of Blood, in a globalized society and capitalist, as the twenty-first century?" and "Is today the Noble still have a 'social utility'?" (pardon the broken English from the translation). Those are definitely interesting questions given the move toward socialist tendencies at a macro level. We have an egalitarian idealism that does not bear out in reality. In America, we believe that all men are created equal, but we fail to recognize that equality in Creation means the opportunity to enter into the rest promised by the Christ:
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30 (ESV)
No equality is guaranteed in this life, nor is there historical nor Biblical precedent for such. There have always been and will always be those of greater or lesser means in this life. This life is not intended to be the focus of one's energies. We must each make the best of the situation in which we find ourselves. The focus is to be on obeying God and preparing for eternity.

That being said, in traditional, monarchic cultures, those with more were generally noble, and as such, had certain obligations expected of them. To again quote the article:
Truly, the function of nobility is a sacred function, which should not be compared with the activity of the bourgeoisie, or the ruling classes in our modern republics.

The function of Nobility is to be the true pillar of moral support from society, without which, society falls apart in a sea of corruption.
Today, Noble families often find themselves without economic possessions, many even bankrupt economic total, but this should not be an excuse to abandon its obligations Noble with the Nobility, and society itself, that many sometimes denies his own existence as Noble.

"First of all, the splendor of Blood, the virtue of their ancestors and made ​​famous predispose so wonderful the noble man to march in the footsteps of those from whom he is descended".

However much contemporary society, capitalist and skeptical, denying the existence of Class Noble, leave this duty is always clear their existence, but how to do this?

"An elite? Ye (the Nobles) you may well be. Tends behind you the whole past of ancient traditions, which represent the fundamental values ​​for the healthy life of a people. Among these traditions, which you rightly ufanais, reckoning First religiosity, Catholic Faith alive and active".

It is always the duty of the Nobility, though often impoverished materially, be the beacon of society in which he lives. Must Noble, in the XXI century, be a source of moral and loyalty to the Catholic Church, without which no true nobility."

In current times, all jobs that do not offend the moral and good customs, are considered worthy, so can be operated by descendants of Noble and Nobility. Although it would not be operating at all, that the Nobles seek to be recognized as such in their work environments, these same nobles demosntrar should be what they are, doing their job with the utmost honesty and good conduct thus soon be recognized spontaneously by coworkers, and even by employers.
But the Nobility should not only seek profit, must first seek to win treasures from God, for "The Nobility who lives for profit and not for the Faith without Catholic ideals, aburguesada, Nobility is a corpse!"
While I would disagree that one must be Catholic to be noble, or noble by blood to be noble, the rest of the commentary is sound advice. While any noble blood coursing through my veins has been diluted for centuries, I am still reminded of Robert Nicoll's poem True Nobility.

Furthermore, noble families did not spring forth from the earth as nobility. They most often grew over centuries from modest roots, where a patriarch of the family at some juncture committed some act that put the family on a noble trajectory. Those of us who wish to establish our own familial legacies must be cognizant of this fact.

At its essence, nobility is a basic tennet of conservatism: maintaining the norms and traditions associated with the aristocracy for a thousand years. Over time, there have been improvements and digressions, but overall, the institution has been stable.

It has been the intrusion of mercantilism in the past several hundred years that caused instability in the system. These newly rich were on par with the nobles, and in many cases surpassing them, financially, but they lacked the generations of refinement that had shaped the noble families. Not that snobbery makes a person better. Even the high-bred can be low-class. It is up to each of us, whether noble by blood or noble in spirit, to live good and honorable lives that we would have our children, their children, and their children's children emulate.

I look forward to Conde Galli's next post on this topic.

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