29 January 2013

Gender neutral military standards

I have a question with regard to this:
Army leaders vow 'gender-neutral' standards for women in combat: As military officials formulate plans to open combat positions to women, the Commander of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command is vowing any changes in job requirements will be handled fairly.
Does this mean males can drive from the short tee box? I might consider getting back in if I didn't have to try as hard. For example, here are the current male standards I would have to meet for the Army:
  • Body fat (age 28-39): 24%
  • Weight (@72"): 200 lbs
  • Pushups (70%): 46
  • Sit-ups (70%): 51
  • 2 Mile Run (70%): 16:36
Now were I female, I would be allowed:
  • Body fat (age 28-39): 34%
  • Weight (@72"): 188 lbs
  • Pushups (70%): 23
  • Sit-ups (70%): 51
  • 2 Mile Run (70%): 20:18
Other than weight, I'd love to opt for the female standards, but I don't even know how you can quantify 34% body fat against the 188 lb weight limit. I assume it is because male and female bodies are built differently, but when equality is the standard, what does that matter? Equality means lowest common denominator, doesn't it?

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