24 December 2012

Wo die Büffel röhren

I'm by no means an environmentalist, but I applaud excellent conservation efforts wherever they are to be found:
'Straight Out of a Western Film': European Bison Return to Wild in Germany: For the first time since the 18th century, the European bison is returning to Germany to live in the wild. The wisent, as it is also known, has been brought to the country by a famous prince. Although the creatures' survival is uncertain, the project has already attracted considerable attention.
One of the trivial things I do whenever we are going to see the inlaws is to point out a small herd of American Bison that is maintained in a pasture. The kids still seem to get excited to see them, but I'm sure the novelty will wear off sooner or later. It's much nicer to see these majestic animals living more or less free than in the limited confines of a zoological environment.

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