I saw an old magazine article from Truth Magazine recently with the following poem:
Think, please, before you rave,
And think of me as being naive.
Since what I write is “written”,
By it you’ll not be smitten.
But trouble starts from those who go,
To teaching things that are not so.
Any scripture misapplied,
Is as wrong as truth denied.
Think, please, before you rave,
And think of me as being naive.
Since what I write is “written”,
By it you’ll not be smitten.
But trouble starts from those who go,
To teaching things that are not so.
Any scripture misapplied,
Is as wrong as truth denied.
-Doctor Crane
I wanted to find out who the gentleman who wrote such succinct words was. The article mentions that Dr. Crane was "of newspaper fame". This left me with two great conundrums: 1). I don't read newspapers, per se, and 2). The article was from 1968. A quick search led me to several articles about the famed Doctor, the first listed being his obituary in the New York Times.
I wanted to find out who the gentleman who wrote such succinct words was. The article mentions that Dr. Crane was "of newspaper fame". This left me with two great conundrums: 1). I don't read newspapers, per se, and 2). The article was from 1968. A quick search led me to several articles about the famed Doctor, the first listed being his obituary in the New York Times.
Dr. George W. Crane must have been a great man, having among other things, written speeches for Silent Cal. With the death a news papers several years ago (apparently most of them don't realize it yet...), columns like his might likely be lost to the archives, never to be resurrected. In my searches, I have not found any of his writings online, save for a psychology text book printed in 1933, and this article from one of Dr. Crane's Worry Clinic columns (A Rate-Your-Wife_Scale) . That is unfortunate. He wrote from a golden time in American history, and we could still use a little of Dr. Crane's Horse Sense.
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