18 April 2012

How to tame terra nullius

From Slashdot:
Wind Turbine Extracts Water From Air: An anonymous reader writes "Getting access to enough water to drink in a desert environment is a pretty tough proposition, but Eole Water may have solved the problem. It has created a wind turbine that can extract up to 1,000 liters of water per day from the air. All it requires is a 15mph wind to generate the 30kW's of power required for the process to happen. The end result is a tank full of purified water ready to drink at the base of each turbine."

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Now take this, some solar panels, and other assorted life-sustaining tech (and a small private army) to Bir Tawil, and voilĂ : instant nation in an otherwise unclaimed wasteland. Unfortunately, your southern neighbors might Sudan-ly be interested in annexing your freshly-minted home-sweet-home...

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