16 February 2012

GPS Hate! Part Deux

In continuance (see this post for the last rant) of my diatribe on the over-reliance on tech, I saw the following article in The Scottsman:

Scots the most misled by satnavs:
Misleading satnavs have caused more than £200 million worth of damage to cars in the past 12 months with Scots the most misled by their devices.
And here is a re-spin of the same story from Ireland's Independent:
Satnav errors 'cause damage £ 200m':Misleading satnavs have caused more than £200 million worth of damage to cars in the past 12 months, it has been revealed.
But being the Luddite that I am, I fear no squawk box sitting on my dash! I laugh in the face (if she only had one...) of my tinny-voiced navigator and her incessant "Recalculating!". I'll take no orders from the waif-er of silicon who would with all her might keep me off The Road Not TakenI am a man and I shall get lost on my own terms, and my wife and children will heartily attest to that. 

Ah, but I digress... so my advice to the weary traveler led astray by his GPS, satnav, or whatever the local  parlance for the little beast is, is to get a real map, and get a real navigator. The companionship of a fellow human is worth the inconvenience. And get lost along the way on purpose. Pull over at a gas station and meet the locals. You might find a treasure in the countryside that those who never leave the beaten path have opportunity to experience. 

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