29 December 2011

Why you can't travel like a road warrior and shave like your grampa

I do a fair amount of travel, and for several years now I have shaved with a safety razor. There are numerous benefits to this: it breaks the shaving consumerism trap, there's something nostalgic about it (my razor is at least 80 years old...), you generate  much less waste, and you save a bucketload of money buying double-edged razor blades versus cartridges. My problem in combining the travel with my preferred means of shaving is that it is a no-go at airport security. So what is the aspiring chap to do, invest in disposable razors (and blades) as well? NO! I still take my puck of soap and badger brush in my carry on and get a cheapie disposable razor gratis from the front desk at the hotel. Everybody is happy.

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